When Moulana Muhammad Ilyas (rahimahullah) started the work of Tabligh, the ‘Ulama initially didn’t completely support it. Eventually the concern and du’as of Moulana Ilyas (rahimahullah) showed results and gradually the support of the ‘Ulama increased. Shaykh Binnory (rahimahullah) was from amongst those pious elders of deep insight who completely supported the work. He did this through his pen, lectures, heart and soul.

Participating in Tablighiy Ijtimas
His relationship with Moulana Ilyas (rahimahullah) and his jamat continued to increase. Upon the invitation of the Tablighiy brothers, he participated in their Ijtimas despite his preoccupations and many other engagements. In these Ijtimas when Moulana Binnory (rahimahullah) used to encourage the congregation to go out in the path of Allah, innumerable people would intend to go out. Allah Ta’ala had placed great effect on the tongue of Shaykh Binnory (rahimahullah) due to his sincerity.

Tabligh is Jihad
Interest in this relationship slowly continued to increase. Mufti Shahid mentions that he heard these words from the tongue of Shaykh Binnory (rahimahullah) 3 times that “Tabligh is jihad.”
Rather, one time in Makkiy Masjid during his lecture, he established this matter with strong proofs, like was his habit in other matters too.
Besides this there are other reasons for Moulana’s (rahimahullah) relationship with Tabligh.
Moulana (rahimahullah) and the people of this work had certain things in common.

  1. The thing they had most in common was the worry and concern for the ummah which is the sign of a true ‘Alim and Da’iy (caller) to Allah. This worry didn’t allow Moulana (rahimahullah) to rest for even a moment. If he heard an incident of the destruction of the Muslims of any place, he expressed great concern and sorrow. This worry and pain affected those sitting around him, which was evident to the participants in Moulana’s (rahimahullah) majlis.
  2. Like the people of Tabligh, Moulana (rahimahullah) also was not desirous of name and fame.
    (Extracted from Jamaliy Yusuf, pg. 233-234)
