18 September 2023
Hold On!!!
The Sunnah is the ideal way for all of mankind, and as Muslims, we are required to hold tightly onto the Sunnah at all times. A young Sahabiy (radiyallahu ‘anhu) was on his way on some errand when he passed by the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu ’alayhi wa…
25 March 2020
Naming and Praising your Teacher
In the writings and lessons of the scholars of the past, one finds abundant citations from their respective teachers. They would not hold back in: Naming their source and teachers, in addition to: Praising them duly. In fact, they would name their source…
1 October 2019
Knowledge is for practice
There currently seems to be a widespread notion that: knowledge is for propagation, instead of practise. Therefore as soon as we come across a useful piece of information we immediately think of forwarding it instead of first planning to implement it in our…
25 December 2018
Protecting ourselves from the temptations of festivity – Audio
Each year-end brings with it a scourge of fitnah and vice. These are some of the most challenging days of the entire year. Here are a lecture of mine on this topic. May Allah Ta'ala accept it and grant benefit for all. Amin. Download here
10 July 2018
Tarawih; 20 rak’ats. No less!
The following article was written by myself and edited plus published by www.deoband.org a few years ago. May Allah Ta'ala use to guide us all. Amin. In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. In recent times there has been a growth in the…
30 August 2017
Why is the udhiyah/qurbani of one sheep not sufficient for the obligation of an entire family?
In the recent past, there has been an article circulating electronically which has spread confusion regarding the Hanafiy position on the slaughter of one animal per eligible person during Eidul Adha. This brief article seeks to clarify the matter and to…
4 July 2017
Religion is no Joke!
As a rule, in every Muslim’s life, his religion must always be preferred over entertainment. Or else very little of Islam will remain. Adherence and reverence for one’s creed must reign supreme. This is not to say, Islam doesn’t allow recreation, or light…
7 February 2017
No Sahabiy (radiyallahu’anhum) ever forged a Hadith!
There have always been enemies of Islam throughout time, who attacked the credibility of the Sahabah (radiyallahu'anhum) from various angles. Those who attack the Sahabah (radiyallahu'anhum) are actually targeting Islam, but they hide their vendetta against…
13 December 2016
The Power of the Pen
Ever since man existed, so too did his pen exist. With the passage of time, the only thing that changed was the form and mechanism of this pen. The fact that this tool of knowledge has stood the test of time is proof of its power. One should never…
11 June 2016
When to discharge the Sadaqatul Fitr
There are several Hadiths that encourage discharging the sadaqatul fitr before the Eid salah. Imam Bukhariy (rahimahullah) has included the following chapter in his famous book; Sahih Bukhariy: "The chapter of [discharging] the sadaqah before Eid." Imam…
31 July 2015
Do not just believe everything you read!
"Don't believe everything you read" - These were the words of wisdom of the great Shaykh 'Abdullah Sirajuddin (rahimahullah), the senior Teacher of my Honourable Shaykh, Al-Muhaddith Muhammad 'Awwamah (may Allah protect him). He offered this advice to Shaykh…
15 April 2015
Xenophobia-Protection Du’as
In times of difficulty as well as ease, we are dependent on Allah Ta’ala. When in prosperity, our Nabiy (sallallahu’alayhi wasallam) turned in appreciation to Allah, and when difficulty arose, he (sallallahu’alayhi wasalam) always turned only to Allah. In…
4 August 2014
What to do with “Hearsay”?
The other side of the story A woman once brought a claim against another woman before Qadiy Shurayh (rahimahullah). After some time, she began to cry bitterly. Those who were present were convinced that the woman was wronged. Qadiy Shurayh replied: “Indeed…
20 May 2014
The recent “Maqra-ah”/Hadith Majlis trend
Attending a few gatherings of completion of Hadith books (like the khatm Bukhariy) for the purpose of barakah etc is applaudable and encouraged. However, the recent trend of arranging public 'maqra-ahs' (also called Hadith Majlis; swift Hadith recitals) of…
7 April 2014
Pride; its signs, causes and remedies – Audio
A series of lectures on the crucial topic of Pride, delivered by my Beloved father, Shaykhul Hadith Moulana Haroon Abasoomar saheb (rahimahullah). Download here: one two three four
13 February 2014
33 Reasons to study under a Tutor
Knowledge is attractive and it’s something everybody needs. However, when the correct procedure is not followed, the desired results are lost. The trend of self-study that has become ever so popular in the current times actually contributes to the destruction…
31 January 2014
It’s our offspring at stake!!!
Upbringing our children in current times is truly challenging. If nothing is done soon, one cannot imagine how worse it could get. There’s nothing sadder than “losing” your child. Tips by Khalifah ‘Umar ibn ’Abdil ‘Aziz I feel that Khalifah ‘Umar ibn ‘Abdil…
25 January 2014
Who Knows Better?
Some contemporaries, who degrade the Fiqh of the four Imams and their followers, actually do so because they view legitimate “difference of opinion” as evil. This is the reason for which they keep harping on the fact that we need to follow the Quran and…
31 October 2013
Academic Theft!
In the spirit of sharing knowledge, many people at some time or the other end up forwarding an email, re-sharing a post or re-tweeting what they received from others whilst omitting the initial source of that valuable piece of knowledge. This is ethically…
22 October 2013
A Few Lessons on Adab (Respect)
It is a famous statement of the ‘Ulama: Those who succeeded did so through their adab (respect) and those who failed did so because of the lack of respect.” (Adabul ikhtilaf fi masailil ‘lmi wad din, pg. 192) قال الإمام الزرنوجي رحمه الله ما وصل من وصل إلا…
4 October 2013
Sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam, Not S.A.W.!
There is certain etiquette that applies when we take the names of our predecessors. These are Great leaders in Din, and they deserve a certain amount of respect. Many have the habit of merely sufficing on abbreviations like: “r.a.” or “a.s.” Even worse is the…
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