4 May 2020
Completing the Quran in two rak’ahs of Salah
Moulana Qari Muhammad Rafiq, explaining an incident of Shaykh Binnory’s (rahimahullah) deep love of the Quran Sharif, writes: Shaykh Binnory (rahimahullah), expressing his shukr (gratitude) to Allah Ta’ala, says: “One day a Qari, who was my friend, came to…
4 December 2019
Do not substitute the Sunnah for the way of others!
The Sunnah is the best and most complete way for any human to lead his life in this world. Unfortunately day by day, we find the Muslim ummah shifting further away from the blessed Sunnah of our Nabiy (sallallahu’alayhi wasallam). This will bring nothing but…
26 July 2019
The three stages of Hypocrisy
Muhaddithul 'Asr; 'Allamah Muhammad Yusuf Al-Binnory (rahinahullah) writes: "In the terminology of Islam, atheism and hypocrisy have the same meaning. The contradiction of speech and action is called hypocrisy and it has three stages: The belief of the heart…
3 May 2019
Ramadan is approaching
From the Pen of Shaykh Binnory (rahimahullah) The divine blessings of Ramadan Ramadan is approaching. It will bring down the nur and special attention of Allah Ta’ala. It is a time of forgiveness for all the sins of the Ummah. The generosity of the Absolutely…
22 January 2019
The Brotherhood of Islam
Muhaddithul 'Asr, 'Allamah Muhammad Yusuf Al Binnory (rahimahullah) wrote an inspiring article on the topic of brotherhood in Islam. Hereunder is a summarized English translation of that article which was written in Urdu. May Allah Ta'ala inspire us to follow…
10 November 2018
The challenges (fitnahs) of the Ummah
From the pen of Shaykh Binnory (rahimahullah) ‘Allamah Binnory (rahimahullah) wrote a comprehensive article that highlights the various fitnahs that the Ummah faces, especially when engaging in acts of good. This article is a great source of guidance for one…
10 July 2018
The method of success, honour and progress
In light of the current state of the Ummah, ‘Allamah Binnory’s (rahimahullah) words below actually represent the need of the hour. Lets read it carefully and try to implement it as best as we can. "Another method that comes to my mind is the following. All…
29 May 2018
‘Allamah Binnory’s support for the effort of Tabligh
When Moulana Muhammad Ilyas (rahimahullah) started the work of Tabligh, the ‘Ulama initially didn’t completely support it. Eventually the concern and du’as of Moulana Ilyas (rahimahullah) showed results and gradually the support of the ‘Ulama increased.…
26 March 2018
Tabligh and the method of the ‘Ambiya (‘alayhimus salam)
'Allamah Muhammad Yusuf Al Binnory (rahimahullah) writes: "May Allah Ta'ala shower abundant mercy on the soul of Moulana Ilyas (rahimahullah) who reminded the Muslim ummah of their forgotten lesson of tabligh. His entire life, all his worry and every breath…
9 November 2017
The efforts of the ‘Ulama against the baseless attacks on Hadith
‘Allamah Muhammad Yusuf Binnory (rahimahullah) writes: "The deviant groups of the past made baseless objections against the noble Hadith to which the likes of Imam Abu Hanifah (rahimahullah), Imam Shaf'iy (rahimahullah), Imam Ahmad (rahimahullah) and others…
19 May 2017
Ramadan; a divine opportunity for our reformation
'Allamah Muhammad Yusuf Al Binnory (rahimahullah) writes: "From the beginning of time, Allah Ta’ala selected the month of Ramadan as the season for abundant blessings and divine light (tajalliyat). Whenever Allah Ta’ala sent any gift from the sky for the…
20 March 2017
The Lofty status of the Companions of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam) – Audio
The status of the Sahabah (radiyallahu'anhum) was divinely afforded to them by Allah Ta'ala Himself. The Sahabah (radiyallahu'anhum) are the links between Rasulullah (sallallahu'alayhi wasallam) and the rest of the Ummah. They tirelessly assisted Rasulullah…
16 December 2016
Shaykh Binnory; in the eyes of the Senior ‘Ulama
Among the signs of divine acceptance, is that Allah Ta'ala places love for an individual in the hearts [and tongues] of his fellow pious contemporaries and the generations that follow. 'Allamah Muhammad Yusuf Al-Binnory (rahimahullah) was a world renowned…
4 October 2016
Moulana Muhammad Yusuf Al-Binnory (rahimahullah)
Lineage Shaykh Muhammad Yusuf ibn Muhammad Zakariyya Al-Binnory (rahimahullah) was a Sayyid; from the family of Nabiy (sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam). His lineage goes back to Musa Kazim ibn Ja’far As-Sadiq ibn Muhammad Al-Baqir ibn Aliy Zaynul ‘Abidin ibn…
26 September 2016
The Importance of Tabligh
The great Hadith Master; Muhaddithul 'Asr, Shaykh Muhammad Yusuf Al-Binnory (rahimahullah) wrote a detailed article on this topic. The following is a brief summary: