2 February 2023
Weathering the Storm of Misfortune
All misfortune that engulfs man is caused by his actions. Allah Ta’ala says: “All calamities that afflict you are caused by your own doings.” (Surah Shura, Verse: 30) In Surah Nisa, Allah Ta’ala says: “Because of the wrongs of the Jews, We deprived them of…
9 December 2022
The Latecomer should join the Imam without Delay
Latecomers for the congregational Salah often wait for the Imam to rise for the next rak'ah before joining the Salah. In the following Hadith, Rasulullah (sallallahu'alayhi wasallam) explains the correct procedure for latecomers. Nabiy (sallallahu ‘alayhi…
15 December 2021
10 Points about the Day of ‘Arafah
The day of 'Arafah is the most important day for a Haji. Whilst only a select few of the Ummah are chosen by Allah Ta'ala to physically be on the plains of 'Arafat on the 9th of Dhul Hijjah, there are several virtues and deeds mentioned regarding the day of…
17 July 2021
Virtues of neighbourhood watching
There are numerous Hadiths that expound on the virtues of protecting/guarding the Muslims and their property. Hereunder are a select few: Sayyiduna Sahl ibn Sa’d as-Sa’idiy (radiyallahu ‘anhu) reported that Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said:…
21 August 2020
What We Need to Know about the Six Fasts of Shawwal
As Ramadan departs, we all are encouraged to extend the momentum by observing the six fasts of Shawwal. The famous Hadith in Sahih Muslim states: “Whoever observes the fast of Ramadan and follows it up with six fasts in Shawwal will be rewarded as if he has…
15 December 2019
Fasting on ‘Ashura Saturday
Imams Abu Dawud and Tirmidhiy (rahimahumallah) have reported from Sayyidatuna Samma (radiyallahu’anha) that Rasulullah (sallallahu’alaihi wasallam) said: “Don’t fast on Saturdays unless it’s an obligatory fast” i.e., like Ramadan. (Sunan Abi Dawud, Hadith:…
15 December 2019
The Significance of the 15th of Sha’ban
The 15th of Sha'ban, which is commonly referred to as “Laylatul Bara-ah” (refer: Tafsir Razi and Ruhul ma'aniy, Surah 44. Ayah: 3) is one of the significant nights in the Islamic calendar. Ibnul Hajj (rahimahullah) states: “The salaf (pious predecessors)…
12 June 2018
Changing the route from the ‘Eid Salah
Sayyiduna Jabir (radiyallahu'anhu) reports that when it was the day of 'Eid, Nabiy (sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam) would attend and return from the 'Eid salah using different routes. (Sahih Bukhariy, Hadith: 943) Hafiz Ibn Hajar (rahimahullah) –the famous…
4 March 2018
Reciting Hadiths of Sahih Bukhariy to repel calamity
It is a famous statement among the Muhaddithun: "When reciting Hadith, Allah Ta'ala's special mercies descend." (Tadribur Rawi, vol. 4, pg. 540) During times of difficulty, fear and hardship, in addition to Quran recital and other forms of du'a etc, one…
17 April 2017
Who should/could attend the Bukhariy graduation gatherings?
It’s a common practice in many parts of the world whereby reliable ‘Ulama that complete their lessons of Sahih Bukhariy invite the public to share in the blessings of the final lesson. Some individuals incorrectly object to this practice. The following is an…
7 February 2017
No Sahabiy (radiyallahu’anhum) ever forged a Hadith!
There have always been enemies of Islam throughout time, who attacked the credibility of the Sahabah (radiyallahu'anhum) from various angles. Those who attack the Sahabah (radiyallahu'anhum) are actually targeting Islam, but they hide their vendetta against…
10 September 2016
Intricacies in Hadith grading
The purpose of this discussion is to illustrate that the conclusion of a particular Muhaddith is not necessarily final. Neither can it be enforced on others in the event of there being other legitimate opinions on that issue. The system of grading Hadith is…
20 May 2014
The recent “Maqra-ah”/Hadith Majlis trend
Attending a few gatherings of completion of Hadith books (like the khatm Bukhariy) for the purpose of barakah etc is applaudable and encouraged. However, the recent trend of arranging public 'maqra-ahs' (also called Hadith Majlis; swift Hadith recitals) of…
8 January 2014
The Sunnah Response to Rain
When referring to rain, Allah Ta'ala has mentioned a dual purpose. In one verse, He says: "And he is the One who sends the winds ahead of his mercy" i.e., rain (Surah Furqan, verse: 48) In another verse, Allah Ta’ala says: “When they (the nation of 'Ad) saw a…
15 December 2013
Imam Abu Hatim Raziy (rahimahumallah), One who memorized 300 000 Hadith!
Imam Abu Hatim, Muhammad ibn Idris Ar-Raziy (rahimahumallah) was born in Ray (Tehran –Iran) in the year 195 A.H. and he passed away in the year 277 A.H. Lengthy Sojourn He first set out in search of knowledge at the age of 18. He states in this regard: "The…
20 November 2013
Blessed Fruits
Allah Ta'ala has repeatedly made reference to the gift of fruit in the Holy Quran. In one verse Allah Ta’ala says: “Do you not see that Allah sends down rain from the sky, and we produce therewith fruits of various colours.” (Surah Fatir: verse: 77) Elsewhere…
4 September 2013
Status of the Hadith: “My Companions are like the Stars”
The following Hadith is often quoted when discussing the topic of the rank of the Sahabah (radiyallahu’anhum). أصحابي كالنجوم بأيهم اقتديتم اهتديتم “My Companions are like the stars, whichever of them you follow you will be rightly guided” Although there…
6 May 2013
At The Approach of Rajab and Sha’ban
With the sighting of the crescent of Rajab, Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) would anticipate and begin preparations for the month of Ramadan. This is two months in advance! People "live to see" various accomplishments in their lives, but a Believer…
28 February 2013
Valuable Steps
There are many rewarding deeds whose merits are inflated based on the occasion in which they are carried out. One such deed is: Walking for the salah of Jumu'ah. Sayyiduna Aws Ibn Aws (radiyallahu 'anhu) reports that Rasulullah (sallallahu'alaihiwasallam)…
28 January 2013
Clarification on Early Hadith Compilation
Imam Ibn Shihab Zuhriy (rahimahullah) -Demise 125 A.H.- features quite prominently in the discussion of the Hadith compilation. It is commonly stated that he was the first to compile the Noble Traditions of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam). However,…
19 December 2012
Mustahabb (rewardable) fasts of the Year
Besides the fard (obligatory) fast of Ramadan, there are various Nafl (optional) fasts that Nabiy (sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam) kept throughout the year. We too can make an intention of following in His foot steps this year Insha Allah. The Sahabah…
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