The Sunnah is a shield against fitnahs – Audio

We are bound experience challenges during our lifetime. The only real protection from all harm and danger is in following the Sunnah of our beloved Nabiy (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam). Listen to my talk regarding the importance of the Sunnah here

Lesson 9 – Constant engagement in Dhikr

Lesson 9 - Constant engagement in Dhikr Sayyidah A'ishah (radiyallahu ’anha) said: "Nabiy (sallallahu’alayhi wasallam) would be engaged in the Dhikr of Allah, all the time." (Sahih Muslim) The life of a true believer is always centered around Allah Ta’ala and…

Lesson 8 – Love for the Sunnah

Lesson 8 - Love for the Sunnah It is the belief of every Muslim that the only way to successfully enter Jannah is by following the Sunnah of our Beloved Nabiy Muhammad (sallallahu ’alayhi wasallam). The Sunnah is all encompassing and absolutely simple as well…

A brief biography of My Honourable Teacher; Shaykhul Hadith, Moulana Fadlur Rahman Azmiy

Shaykhul Hadith, Moulana Fadlur Rahman A'zamiy (hafizahullah) is one of my senior Bukhariy teachers. After I graduated from Madrasah Talimuddeen in Ispingo Beach, Durban, South Africa (1998), I attended Shaykh Fadlur Rahman saheb's Hadith lessons in Madrasah…

Success is attained by following the commands of Allah and adopting the Sunnah – Audio

Allah Ta'ala has created what we see and that which we cannot see. Allah Ta'ala is the only real Creator and He is the Owner of every single thing. Allah Ta'ala is also the Creator of the conditions around us too. Here is a talk that will encourage us to…

Rabi’ul Awwal has arrived, again…

Allah Ta'ala declares, “There certainly is an example in Allah’s Messenger for he who fears Allah and the last day and remembers Allah abundantly.” (Surah Al-Ahzab, verse: 21) Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam) said: “He who holds firm to my Sunnah when…