Lessons and inspirations learnt from Shaykhul Hadith Moulana Haroon Abasoomar Saheb (rahimahullah)

Written by Moulana Ahmad Jeewa saheb (hafizahullah) – Hazrat Moulana Haroon’s (rahimahullah) deputy Imam at the Isipingo Beach Masjid for the past fifteen years.

1. Hazrat Moulana (rahimahullah) was very particular about visiting the sick to such an extent that even during Moulana’s sick condition and even after going for dialysis after which Moulana (rahimahullah) used to be drained out, Moulana used to get someone to take him in a wheelchair to the wards to visit sick patients.
He used to visit people from all walks of life, whether he knew them or not. Irrespective of their financial and social standing.
He used to advise that whenever you embark on a journey, make the intention of visiting the sick person so that you will remain in the mercy of Allah Ta’ala throughout the duration of the journey.
Moulana (rahimahullah) himself used to read the masnun du’as for the sick person and he made a point of advising those around a sick person to continuously make these du’as.
One of the du’as that he always advised was اللهم يا حليم يا كريم اشف (Allahumma Ya Halimu Ya Karimu, ishfi…) with the name of the sick person after the word اشف (ishfi…). Moulana used to say that this du’a must be recited with two conditions attached: (a) to read it in abundance and (b) to read it with full conviction. Insha Allah, Allah will grant the sick person shifa.

2. Moulana (rahimahullah) was very particular about attending janazahs and making ta’ziyat with the bereaved, especially those people in the community who were apparently not very prominent people. He always encouraged others to carry out this action as well.

3. Moulana (rahimahullah) had extremely great attachment to the Quran. Even whilst driving/traveling, he used to constantly be busy with tilawah.

4. Moulana (rahimahullah) was extremely hospitable and would host guests all the time at his house. He would not let a person who visited him go empty handed even if he had to offer the guest some kajur, nuts, sweets, etc.

5. Moulana (rahimahullah) led a simple life and had no attachment for material things. His generosity was such that with his personal money he would take care of widows, orphans, etc. very discreetly and anonymously. Moulana (rahimahullah) was very sensitive towards the feelings of the less fortunate and always made them feel welcome and comfortable.

6. Moulana (rahimahullah) was very particular about making du’a for all our Muslim brothers and sisters around the globe who were in any distressed situation. Together with that, he would himself assist them financially and encourage others to do the same. Moulana advised the regular recitation of Ayat karima and نستغفر الله during times of difficulty.

7. Moulana’s (rahimahullah) dedication and commitment to the Masjid/Musallah and serving Din was phenomenal. During the last few years of Moulana’s life, despite Moulana (rahimahullah) being ill most of the time and suffering very severe body pain, Moulana would push himself to make Imamat and go to teach the Dorah Hadith students at the Madrasah.

8. Moulana (rahimahullah) was very particular on practicing on every Sunnah, reciting the masnun du’as and encouraging others in these aspects as well.
One example of Moulana’s adherence to the Sunnah was the Sunnah of sitting on the floor and eating. During the last few years of Moulana’s (rahimahullah) life when Moulana was unwell and at times when he could not manage to sit on the floor and eat, he would express great remorse in being unable to fulfil this blessed Sunnah.

9. One of the masnun du’as that Moulana would regularly remind his associates about was the bazar du’a.

10. Moulana (rahimahullah) was particular about salam and ensured that the full salam must be made. He would encourage making salam to those who a person knows as well as those whom one doesn’t know- in accordance to the teaching of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam)

11. Moulana (rahimahullah) would try his utmost best to honour an invite, as long as it did not contravene the Shariah in any way.

12. During adhan Moulana’s (rahimahullah) habit was to remain silent, listen to the adhan attentively and to reply to the words of the adhan. Moulana strongly encouraged his family, friends and others to practice on this as well.

13. Moulana (rahimahullah) was also extremely particular about the performance of Salah on its time. Even when booking his dialysis sessions, Moulana (rahimahullah) would try his utmost best to ensure that they were not in such a time where any Salah would be missed.

14. Moulana (rahimahullah) made sure that the women folk of his family kept their hair covered at all times even within the confines of their homes. Moulana (rahimahullah) himself was very particular about wearing his topi at all times to the extent that he wouldn’t even swallow a tablet without wearing his topi.

15. Moulana (rahimahullah) loved to attend Dini gatherings like jalsahs, ijtimahs, bayans by visiting ‘Ulama, etc. Especially at the time of khatmul Quran, Moulana would himself try to make a point of attending the khatam and du’a and at times when Moulana (rahimahullah) could not attend himself, he would encourage others to be present and would request them to make du’a for him as well on these occasions.

16. Moulana (rahimahullah) always encouraged abundant recitation of Durud Sharif saying that by a person doing this they can continue earning countless blessings from Allah Ta’ala and perpetually remain in the mercy of Allah.

17. Moulana (rahimahullah) himself practically demonstrated the aspect of making sabr on any difficulty and expressing shukr for every Ni’mat no matter how insignificant it may seem. Moulana also advised others to do likewise.
Moulana’s (rahimahullah) family mentioned that with every morsel of food that Moulana partook of he would recite اللهم لك الحمد و لك الشكر Allahumma lakal hamdu walalash shukr (O Allah! all praise and thanks are for You).
It has also been mentioned that during Moulana (rahimahullah) illness even on the days when he would be extremely unwell and experiencing immense pain, if Moulana (rahimahullah) was asked how he was feeling he would never complain but would rather reply with the words الحمد لله على كل حال Alhamdulillah ‘ala kulli haal. (All praise to Allah for every condition).

18. At times when making isal thawab Moulana (rahimahullah) would give charity and make intention for all the believers from Nabiy Adam (‘alayhis salam) till Qiyamah.

19. Similarly when making du’a for the Muslims, he would do the same.

20. Hazrat Moulana (rahimahullah) loved to bring a smile to the face of any Muslim, and would always quote the Hadiths that encourage that.

May Allah Ta’ala grant Moulana (rahimahullah) the highest stages in Jannatul Firdaus and may He give us the taufiq of emulating these beautiful qualities and advices of Moulana (rahimahullah). Amin