It is a famous statement among the Muhaddithun:
“When reciting Hadith, Allah Ta’ala’s special mercies descend.”
(Tadribur Rawi, vol. 4, pg. 540)
During times of difficulty, fear and hardship, in addition to Quran recital and other forms of du’a etc, one practice of our pious predecessors; recent and ancient is to recite the entire Sahih Bukhariy in order to draw Allah Ta’ala’s special mercy.
Sahih Bukhariy consists of among the most authentic Hadiths of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam) ever gathered. Through the blessings (barakah) of reciting these noble Hadiths, Allah Ta’ala removes adversity. This is a well tried and tested practice and is based on centuries of experience.
The Muhaddithun in the past and present would recite the entire Bukhariy for alleviating – among other things-:
General calamity,
Fear and terror,
Personal needs etc.
Ten Quotations
1. The famed commentator of Sahih Bukhariy; Hafiz Ibn Hajar Al-‘Asqalaniy (rahimahullah) writes:
“Among the many other virtues of Sahih Bukhariy, is what the senior Imam Ibn Abi Jamrah (rahimahullah) has mentioned:
‘Some pious people mentioned to me that whenever Sahih Bukhariy was recited in times of suffering, it was removed. The ship that has a copy of Sahih Bukhariy on board, doesn’t sink. The reason for this is that Imam Bukhariy (rahimahullah) was one whose du’as were readily accepted by Allah Ta’ala (mustajabud da’wah) and he made special du’a for those who recited his book.”
(Hadus Sariy, pg. 16, also see Tadribur Rawi, vol. 1, pg. 316)
2. ‘Allamah Tajud Din As-Subkiy (rahimahullah) writes:
“As is quite famous, there are many experiences of Sahih Bukhariy being a means of alleviating problems and fulfilling needs. Quoting these incidents would take a long while.
(Tabaqatush Shafi’iyyah, vol. 2, pg. 234)
3. The famous comentator of Quran (mufassir) Hafiz Ibn Kathir (rahimahullah) states:
“Reciting Sahih Bukhariy is effective in seeking rain.”
(Irshadus Sariy, vol. 1, pg. 42, Fathul Ilah, vol. 1, pg. 75, Mirqatul Mafatih, vol. 1, pg. 58 & Al-Kanzul Mutawari, vol. 1, pg. 174)
4. ‘Allamah Sakhawiy (rahimahullah) mentioned that during the calamity in Homs (Syria), in the year 680 A.H. the entire Sahih Bukhariy was recited. After this the fear of attack from the enemy vanished. Alhamdulillah.
(Al-Wajhus Sabih, pg. 21)
5. The Popular commentator of Riyadus Salihin; Imam Muhammad ibn ‘Aliy ibn ‘Allan (rahimahullah) writes:
“When Zabid (a place in Yemen) was surrounded by the enemy [in the tenth century A.H.] they were gripped with fear, Imam Ibnud Dayba’ (rahimahullah) instructed that Sahih Bukhariy be divided into parts, and its recital be completed. Before the next morning, the enemy departed and their condition was eased.”
(Al-Wajhus Sabih, pg. 22)
6. Ibn ‘Allan (rahimahullah) writes further, that in his era too [the eleventh century A.H.] the inhabitants of Basrah recited Sahih Bukhariy to avert danger, and Allah Ta’ala eased their adversity.
(Al-Wajhus Sabih, pg. 22)
7. Shah Al-Muhaddith ‘Abdul ‘Aziz Dehlawiy (rahimahullah) writes:
“Reciting [the entire] Sahih Bukhariy is very effective during times of hardship, fear of attack, during illness or drought and other calamities as is widely experienced.”
(Bustanul Muhaddithin, pg. 155)
8. Shaykhul Hadith Moulana Muhammad Zakariyya Kandehlawiy (rahimahullah) writes:
“Shah ‘Abdul Haq Dehlawiy (rahimahullah) writes in Ash’athul Lam’at, that many ‘Ulama and Mashayikh have recited Sahih Bukhari for the successful fulfillment of needs, removal of difficulty, repelling calamity, and curing the ill. They found it to be extremely effective. This is something that has become extremely widespread and well known to the Muhaddithun.”
(Muqaddimah Lami’ud Darariy; see Al-Kanzul Mutawari, vol. 1, pg. 174-175)
9. Hazrat Shaykhul Hadith Moulana Muhammad Zakariyya Kandehlawiy (rahimahullah) writes further: Shaykh Muhaddith Sayyid Jamaluddin (rahimahullah) states that his teacher, Shaykh Sayyid Asiluddin said;
“I have recited Sahih Bukhariy about one hundred and twenty times for my personal needs and those of others. At every attempt, my motives were fulfilled.”
(Muqaddimah Lami’ud Darariy; see Al-Kanzul Mutawari, vol. 1, pg. 175, Mirqat, vol. 1, pg. 58-59)
10. Shaykhul Hadith Moulana Fadlur Rahman A’zamiy (hafizahullah) has a section in his introduction to Sahih Bukhariy entitled:
Reciting Sahih Bukhariy is effective in repelling calamity.
He thereafter cites the above two quotes.
(Hadiyyatud Darariy, pg. 75)
Recent practices of our seniors
1. In Darul ‘Uloom Deoband, when a senior teacher was ill [or during dire need] this practice would be implemented.
This was even done when Hazrat Mufti Mahmudul Hasan Gangohiy saheb (rahimahullah) fell severely ill.
Several ‘Ulama who have studied or visited there have attested to this common practice of the senior Scholars of Deoband.
2. The ‘Ulama of Saharanpur also utilised this practice from time to time, as credible sources have stated.
3. Moulana Zafar Ahmad ‘Uthmaniy (rahimahullah) would resort to reciting Bukhariy Sharif when he would take ill, as a means of attaining shifa (cure).
(Ma’alim Irshadiyyah, pg. 204)
4. ‘Allamah Muhammad Yusuf Binnory (rahimahullah) would -in his madrasah in Karachi- also resort to this at times of need. He would gather suitable reciters and make them complete a swift recital of Sahih Bukhariy followed by earnest du’a.
My Honourable Father (hafizahullah), also took part in one such recital with Shaykh, Moulana Binnory (rahimahullah).
5. Hazrat Shaykhul Hadith, Moulana Muhammad Zakariyya (rahimahullah) also engaged in this practice.
See one example in the book: Hazrat Shaykhul Hadith and I, pg. 30.
6. In the recent past, the reliable ‘Ulama of Madinah Munawwarah would also gather during times of difficulty to complete a recital of Sahih Bukhari with the motive of easing hardships.
There were several individuals who would arrange such gatherings in Madinah, one of them being by the pious Shaykh, Zakariyya Al-Bukhariy (rahimahullah) – an outstanding and unique Wali of Allah Ta’ala. My teacher, Al-Muhaddith Shaykh Muhammad ‘Awwamah (hafizahullah) would attend this particular one.
7. Similarly, ‘Ulama in other parts of the world also engage in this from time to time.
These are our predecessors and our precedents…
Let’s revive this!
In keeping with this, those ‘Ulama who are capable of engaging in a complete recital of Sahih Bukhariy are implored to please do so for the general plight of the Ummah, and every other severe need.
This can be achieved in a few short hours wherein able reciters gather and each of them simultaneously recite a part individually.
Once the recital is complete, a du’a can be made.
Kindly remember the writer, his parents & family, teachers, students and well-wishers in that du’a too.
May Allah Ta’ala restore peace on earth soon, very soon.
وما ذلك على الله بعزيز
Note: In such a gathering there is no harm in the general masses being present at the end, for the blessings (barakah), as there is no formal ijazah that is given to the attendees.
My Respected Father, Moulana Haroon Abasoomar (hafizahullah) -in light of the current global plight of the Ummah- has began to passionately emphasis this and encourages ‘Ulama who are capable enough to take up this initiative and revive this method of attracting Allah Ta’ala’s mercy upon the Ummah at large.
Also see here.
And Allah Ta’ala Knows best.
التخريج من المصادر العربية
تدريب الراوي (٤/ ٥٤٠): قال ابن الصلاح ومن أقرب الوجوه في إصلاح النية فيه ما روينا عن أبي عمرو بن نجيد أنه سأل أبا جعفر بن حمدان وكانا عبدين صالحين فقال له بأي نية أكتب الحديث فقال ألستم ترون أن عند ذكر الصالحين تنزل الرحمة قال نعم قال فرسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم رأس الصالحين.
هدي الساري (ص: ١٦): ذكره الإمام القدوة أبو محمد بن أبي جمرة في اختصاره للبخاري قال: قال لي من لقيته من العارفين عمن لقي من السادة المقر لهم بالفضل أن صحيح البخاري ما قرئ في شدة إلا فرجت ولا ركب به في مركب فغرق، قال: وكان مجاب الدعوة، وقد دعا لقارئه رحمة الله تعالى.
تدريب الراوي (١/ ٣١٦): وما ذكره الإمام أبو محمد بن أبي جمرة عن بعض السادة قال ما قرئ صحيح البخاري في شدة إلا فرجت ولا ركب به في مركب فغرق.
طبقات الشافعية الكبرى للسبكي (٢/ ٢٣٤): قلت وأما الجامع الصحيح وكونه ملجأ للمعضلات ومجربا لقضاء الحوائج فأمر مشهور ولو اندفعنا فى ذكر تفصيل ذلك وما اتفق فيه لطال الشرح.
إرشاد الساري (١/ ٤٢): وقال الحافظ عماد الدين بن كثير: وكتاب البخاري الصحيح يستسقى بقراءته الغمام.
فتح الإله (١/ ٧٥): قال ابن كثير: وكان يستسقى بقراءته الغيث.
مرقاة المفاتيح (١/ ٥٨): قال الحافظ ابن كثير: وكان يستسقي بقراءته الغيث.
الكنز المتواري (١/ ١٧٤) لم أجده.
الوجه الصبيح في ختم الجامع الصحيح (ص٢١): وقال الحافظ السَّخاويُّ: وقال المحدِّث الكمال ابن علي الهَمْدَاني: قرأنا البخاريَّ في نوبة حمص سنة ثمانين،- يعني وستمائة – لدفع البلاء، فقال لي ابن دقيق العيد: قد انقضى الشُّغل من بعد العصر، فقلت: عن يقين؟! فقال: وهل يُقال هذا من غير يقين.
الوجه الصبيح في ختم الجامع الصحيح (ص٢٢): قلت: ووقع من الدَّيبع مثله لمَّا حصرت زَبِيْد، وأحاط بها العدوُّ وكاد يأخذها، فحلَّ بهم الكرب الشَّديد والغمُّ المزيد، فقرأوا «الصَّحيح» أجزاءَ أجزأوه ، فما كانت صبيحة ذلك اليوم إلَّا وتفرَّق العدوُّ من غير سبب محسوسٍ، ولا محدَّد من شيء مأنوس.
الوجه الصبيح في ختم الجامع الصحيح (ص٢٢): ووقع في هذا الزَّمان بالبصرة أنَّ عسكر الشَّاه حاصرها فقُرِئ بإشارة بعض الشُّيوخ فأرسل الله تعالى عليهم مطراً وسيلاً وأبادهم عن آخرهم، وأخذ أهل البصرة جميع أموالهم وعُدَدِهم.
بستان المحدثين (ص ١٥٥): وقراءة «الصحيح» عند الشدة وخوف العدو والمرض والجدب والقحط دواء مجرب.
الكنز المتواري (١/ ١٧٤ ـ ١٧٥): قال الشيخ عبد الحق الدهلوي في «أشعة اللمعات»: قرأ كثير من المشايخ والعلماء الثقات «صحيح البخاري» لحصول المرادات، وكفاية المهمات وقضاء الحاجات، ودفع البليات وكشف الكربات وصحة الأمراض وشفاء المرضى عند المضايق والشدائد، فحصل مرادهم وفازوا بمقاصدهم ووجدوه كالترياق مجربا، وقد بلغ هذا المعنى عند علماء الحديث مرتبة الشهرة والاستفاضة.
الكنز المتواري (١/ ١٧٥): ونقل السيد جمال الدين المحدث عن أستاذه السيد أصيل الدين أنه قال: قرأت «صحيح البخاري» نحو عشرين ومائة مرة في الوقائع والمهمات لنفسي وللناس الآخرين، فبأي نية قرأته حصل المقصود وكفى المطلوب.
مرقاة المفاتيح (١/ ٥٨ ـ ٥٩): ونقل السيد جمال الدين عن عمه السيد أصيل الدين أنه قال: قرأت البخاري مائة وعشرين مرة للوقائع، والمهمات لي، ولغيري، فحصل المرادات، وقضى الحاجات، وهذا كله ببركة سيد السادات، ومنبع السادات عليه أفضل الصلوات، وأكمل التحيات.
هداية الدراري (ص ٧٥) لم أجده.
معالم إرشادية (ص ٢٠٤): وممن كان على هذا السَّنن: فضيلة العلامة الشيخ ظفر أحمد العثماني التهانوي (١٣١٠ ـ ١٤٩٤) رحمه الله، كان إذا ازداد عليه ثقل المرض، زاد في تدريس «صحيح» البخاري، يستشقي بذلك، فيكرمه الله تعالى بالشفاء.