My respected friend, Shaykh ‘Awwamah’s son, Dr Muhyuddin (hafizhahullah), writes:
“My respected father continuously encouraged his family in the home to adopt the various Sunnahs of Nabiy (sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam). He encourages them by saying that these Sunnahs create closeness and love for Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam) and being laxed in the Sunnah is a result of hardheartedness, and it distances a person from Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam).
Among the Sunnahs that my respected father was very particular about, are the following:
1. Keeping the pants above the ankles.
2. Covering the head.
3. Offering the Sunnah Salah before and after the Fard Salah.
4. Offering the Fard Salah in congregation.
5. Doing every good thing with the right.
6. Spreading the Salam.
7. Similarly in the month of Ramadan he would emphasis the offering of [20 rakats] Tarawih Salah for even the juniors.
8. He was very particular about the Sunnah of partaking of Sehri. He would personally wake up his family and children at the time of Sehri even if they have to take a few morsels. This was to fulfill the Sunnah of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam) and to attain its barakah. [To fully understand this, one should bear in mind that the general habit in Arabia is for people to remain awake for most of the night in Ramadan. Therefore, by Sehri time, the young ones would be exhausted and asleep.]
9. He would also encourage us as children, to give Sadaqah every day, even if it had to be something very minimal. He would -sometimes- give us the charity to give to a poor person or a pious person and he would tell us to go and give it with our hands and ask for du’a from that person.
10. He would also encourage us to follow the adab and etiquettes of Islam [in all aspects of live]. For this, he strongly suggested the kitab of Shaykh Abul Fattah Abu Ghuddah (rahimahullah) entitled: Islamic Manners. He would tell us this kitab is what Shaykh Abul Fattah (rahimahullah) practically demonstrated in his life.”
(Safahatun mudi-ah, pg. 71-73)