The book; Nasbur Rayah Li Ahadithil Hidayah is an essential reference for Hadith proofs that support the Hanafiy madhab.
This masterpiece of ‘Allamah Zayla’iy (rahimahullah) was published by Al-Majlisul ‘Ilmi several years ago in Cairo. However, the first edition had countless typos/ mistakes.
My Honourable Teacher, Al-‘Allamatul Muhaddith, Shaykh Muhammad ‘Awwamah (hafizahullah) therefore felt the need to attend to this, although he was not the initial publisher. A lot of effort was put in trying to rid this beautiful book of the many typing errors. Shaykh (hafizahullah) also wrote an in-depth introduction to this book and other related ones, in addition to adding an index of the Hadiths at the end.
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Good News!
My Honourable Teacher, Al-‘Allamatul Muhaddith, Shaykh Muhammad ‘Awwamah (hafizahullah) is currently re-doing an entirely new annotation of this book with four other sources for Hanafiy proofs. This will also consist of in-depth research on the Hadiths contained therein.
May Allah Ta’ala grant Shaykh a long life, with ‘afiyah, and grant him the ability to complete this enviable service to the field of Hadith as well the Hanafiy madhab. Amin.