The Honourable Hadith expert of our times, Al-Muhaddith, Shaykh Muhammad ‘Awwamah (hafizahullah) often states that the residents of Madinah Munawwarah regularly make the following du’a:

اللّٰهُمَّ أَصْلِحِ النِّيَّةَ والذُّرِّيَّةَ
Allahumma aslihin niyyah wadh dhurriyyah

“O Allah, rectify my intentions and reform my progeny.”
This brief yet profound du’a is much needed in the world today.

Ponder: One who is bereft of the above two bounties will suffer in both Worlds!

Intentions and the Selfie Age
Unfortunately we live in an era where almost nothing is done without an ulterior motive. It’s an era wherein everything is “selfied”, be it with a picture or even in text.
Without the correct motive, no deed is accepted by Allah Ta’ala, even if that deed be as noble as it gets. We should still be focused on our intentions, instead of broadcasting our achievements!

A Rare Breed
The need for “reformed” offspring is understood by one and all. Especially in an age where such a blessing is of a rare kind. Fortunate are those who have already achieved this. While many of us still only yearn for that blessing.
Let’s include this du’a in our daily supplications, in addition to the physical effort that is needed to achieve the above.
Keeping the company of the pious is very effective in achieving these two bounties.

Insha Allah we will see great results.
May Allah Ta’ala‬‎ accept all our efforts and du’as. Amin

