All misfortune that engulfs man is caused by his actions.
Allah Ta’ala says: “All calamities that afflict you are caused by your own doings.”
(Surah Shura, Verse: 30)
In Surah Nisa, Allah Ta’ala says: “Because of the wrongs of the Jews, We deprived them of the wholesome things that were (initially) permitted for them.”
“This is an established fact”, says Maulana Ashraf Aliy Thanwiy (rahimahumallah)
(Merits of Seeking forgiveness, pg. 10)
However, a natural trait in man is that he reaps credit for the good and he heaps blame on others for the mishaps.

The Prophetic Way
When Rasulullah (sallallahu ’alayhi wa sallam) was treated so brutally by the residents of Taif, he left the town and went to the nearest spot of safety. There he supplicated to Almighty Allah with words that are a lesson for every victim of suffering.
Among those words were the following: “O Allah! If You are not displeased with me, then I do not care (about the ill-treatment I have received).”
The moral here is that in times of difficulty, one should expect the root cause to be one’s own misdeeds. Without this diagnosis, it is impossible to treat the problem.
Man by nature is a sinner, but “The best of these sinners are those who repent” said Rasulullah (sallallahu ’alayhi wa sallam).
(Sunan Tirmidhiy, hadith: 2499, also see: Hidayatu-Ruwat, hadith: 2280)
He (sallallahu ’alayhi wa sallam) also said: “Indeed sometimes a man is deprived of his sustenance due to the sin he commits.
(Sunan Nasa’iy; Targhib, vol. 3, pg. 313)
If we view the present global social and economic crises, as well as the alarming level of inflation in this light, we will actually be on our way towards eradicating this dilemma. The greatest barrier between man and the mercy of his creator is his sins. Hence, if he repents for this, there will be no barrier any longer!

Maulana Thanwiy (rahimahumallah) writes further: “The real cure for every predicament is to refrain from sins and to seek pardon for the misdeeds of the past.”
Shaykh Ja’far As-Sadiq (rahimahullah), a great sage of his age once offered the following counsel to another stalwart of his era; Imam Sufyan Thawriy (rahimahullah). He said: “When your livelihood becomes constrained upon you, then beg Almighty Allah to forgive your sins.”
(Shu’abul Iman, hadith: 641)
Rasulullah (sallallahu’alayhi wasallam) has given three assurances for the one who constantly begs Allah’s forgiveness. (by repeating the words: Astaghfirullah etc.)

  1. Allah Ta’ala will replace his worries with relief,
  2. Narrowness will be changed to ease, and
  3. Allah Ta’ala will provide sustenance for him through avenues from which he never anticipated.
    (Sunan Abi Dawud, hadith: 1513)

Incident of Hasan Basriy (rahimahullah)
The Illustrious Tabi’iy; Hasan Basriy (rahimahullah) was seated among his students when a man came and complained to him of drought. Hasan Basriy (rahimahullah) advised him to recite the words: Astaghfirullah. After some time another man appeared and complained to him of lack of means. Hasan Basriy (rahimahullah) gave him the same prescription (i.e., Astaghfirullah) as he did with the third person who whined that he had no children.
Upon this, his students remarked: “O Shaykh! You gave the same advice to three peple, each with a different predicament?”
He replied: “I did so in accordance to the guarantee that Allah Ta’ala gave us in the Holy Quran; Allah Ta’ala said:
“Beg the forgiveness of your Rabb, for indeed He is Most Forgiving; He will then send torrential rains upon you (the solution for drought), He will increase your wealth (the answer for financial constraint) and (He will increase) your children (the cure for infertility).”
(Surah Nuh, Verses: 10-12) (Refer: Ruhul Ma’ani)
It was the constant habit of Rasulullah (sallallahu’alayhi wasallam) to recite Istighfar daily. (Sahih Bukhariy, hadith: 6307).
Some Sahabah (radiyallahu ‘anhum) have reported that they heard him recite Astaghfirullah up to 100 times in a single gathering!
(Fathul Bari, hadith: 6307)
The time for Muslims to repent (on a global scale) has dawned. To do so is firstly, the command of Allah Ta’ala, secondly the Sunnah of Rasulullah (sallallahu’alayhi wasallam), and thirdly, it is a potent formula for alleviating all sorts of predicaments, of which there is – sadly – no shortage in our era.

Sublime Solutions:
Hasan Basriy (rahimahullah) said:
“Recite Astaghfirullah whilst in your homes, at meals, on your walk-ways, in your market places, at your gatherings and where ever else you may be, for you do not know at which time you will be blessed.” 
(Shu’abul Iman, hadith: 647)
Raja Ibn Haywah (rahimahullah) recounts that he heard someone in Mina address the Hujjaj with the following:
“O People! Allah will not punish you as long as you are engaged in three acts;

  1. Shukr (Gratitude).
  2. Du’a (Suplication).
  3. Isitghfar.”
    (Shu’abul Iman, hadith: 646)

To recited Astaghfirullah 100 times every morning and evening is the bare minimum.
In addition to seeking forgiveness for our sins, a concerted effort to abstain from sin is also required. This is the essence of Taqwa.
Ease in livelihood, and removal of difficulties are guaranteed for those who have Taqwa (fear of Allah).
(Refer: Surah Talaq Verses: 2-3)

A useful Du’a for swift repayment of debts
One who is in debt should recite the following abundantly:
Allahummak fini bi halalika ‘an haramik, wa agh ni ni bifadhlika ‘amman siwak.
(Sunan Tirmidhiy, hadith: 3563)

A Du’a for easy livelihood
Frequent recital of the following phrase removes all worries, the first of which is poverty:
La hawla wala quwwata illa billah.
(Sunan Tirmidhiy, hadith: 3601 & Majma‘uz Zawaid, vol. 8, pg. 179 and pg. 140)
A proven prescription for ease in income is to recite Ayah 19 of Surah Shura (Surah 42) 70 times every morning.
(Ma’ariful Quran)


  1. Increase our devotion and adherence to Salah. Mufti Shafi’ Saheb (rahimahumallah) – the author of Ma’ariful Quran – says: “It was the practice of all Ambiya (‘alayhis salam) to resort to Salah when they experienced any difficulty.”
    (How to repel poverty, Pg. 22)
  2. Recite abundant Salawat (Durud) on Rasulullah (sallallahu’alayhi wasallam). My Honourable Teacher, Al-‘Allamatul Muhaddith Shaykh Muhammad ‘Awwamah (hafizahullah) frequently suggests this for removal of all difficulty.
    This is deduced from a Hadith of Sunan Tirmidhiy, hadith: 2457.
  3. According to the Hadith of Sunan Abi Dawud and others, washing the hands before and after meals attracts barakah (blessings) in sustenance.
    (Al-Sirajul Munir, Vol. 2, Pg. 141)
  4. By maintaining family ties, one is guaranteed expansion in income as well as a better quality of life.
    (Sahih Bukhariy, hadith: 2067)


  1. Abstain from extravagance, it is the most blatant form of disappreciation! “Allah Ta’ala hates the inappreciative ones”
    (Surah A’raf Verse: 31)
  2. Avoid “riba” (interest) in all its forms. This is the main ingredient in the present crisis! After all it’s a war with the Master of the universe.
  3. Do not look at those above you, rather take a lesson from the less fortunate ones. This will instil contentment with what one possesses.
    (Sahih Muslim, hadith: 7356 with Sharh – Nawawiy).
    Contentment is the root of happiness and satisfaction.

May Allah Ta’ala remove the suffering of Mankind throughout the world, and may He restore peace, prosperity and satisfaction on Earth, soon.

