Lesson 16

Value for time

Time is a very valuable ni’mah (bounty) of Allah Ta’ala. Time is life. To demonstrate how great a ni’mah it is to mankind, Allah Ta’ala has taken an oath on “time” in the Quran.
Our Nabiy (sallallahu ’alayhi wa sallam) would not let a moment pass without being engaged in the dhikr of Allah Ta’ala.
(Sahih Muslim, hadith: 373)

Hazrat Moulana Haroon Abasoomar (rahimahullah) was extremely mindful of time. He hated time wasting. He would never remain idle or engaged in futilities.
When he was with children, he would teach them something in keeping with their age and understanding.
If he was with adults, he would advise them accordingly, and if he was with people of knowledge, he would be engaged in academic discussions.
If Hazrat (rahimahullah) was alone, or if the people around him were silent, he would make dhikr using his dhikr-counter or he would be reciting Quran or reading a kitab of knowledge of Din or even general knowledge. In fact even whilst driving his car he would do the above. Whilst travelling as a passenger in a vehicle or aeroplane, Hazrat Moulana Haroon saheb (rahimahullah) would also spent his spare time offering nafl salah. (This form of nafl salah can be offered whilst seated, facing any direction.) See here for more details.
Just as he disliked wasting time himself, he also hated to see those around him wasting time. Sayyiduna ‘Abdullah ibn Mas’ud (radiyallahu’anhu) says:
“I hate to see a man unoccupied, neither engaged in his worldly needs, nor with the affairs of the Akhirah.”
(Ibn Abi Shaybah, hadith: 35704)
Hazrat (rahimahullah) attached great importance to valuing time during special occasions, like Fridays after ‘Asr and during the month of Ramadan.
During these times, one would hardly find time to sit and chat with him, since he would be engrossed in ‘ibadah.
He also valued his time greatly whilst in the blessed lands for Hajj or ‘Umrah etc.
To demonstrate his value for time, Hazrat (rahimahullah) always ensured that he was “on time” for his appointments. He also expected the same from others. He would be disturbed if he was late, or even if others were late.
Despite his vast and busy daily engagements and routine, through his value for time, Hazrat (rahimahullah) was able to “make time” for lots of other rewardable deeds, such as visiting the sick, staying in contact with family and friends, attending to the needs of his community, mentoring and advising his students and disciples etc.
He would even ensure to make use of his time fruitfully during the many hours of dialysis treatments.
The sad trend of people (especially adults) wasting time on social media, the internet in general or even on games on their mobile phones is alarming! That time could be better spent in dhikr or other forms of a’amal salihah.
One Hadith states that the only regret that the inhabitants of Jannah will have, will be over the time spent in this world without being engaged in the dhikr of Allah.

May Allah Ta’ala bless the soul of Hazrat Moulana Haroon saheb (rahimahullah) and allow us to be more particular about the core ingredient/ constituent of our existence; time.

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