Value the ‘Ulama – Audio

An authentic Hadith states: Allah Ta'ala will not take knowledge of Din by snatching it all at once. Rather Allah Ta'ala will take away knowledge by taking away from this Dunya the 'Ulama... (Sahih Bukhariy) Download my talk on respecting and valuing the…

What to do when hearing news of a funeral

My Beloved Father; Moulana Haroon Abasoomar saheb (hafizhahullah) usually offers the following advices for when we hear the sad news of the passing of a fellow Muslim. These are simple, but effective and do not take much time. When hearing the news of the…

Allamah Binnory’s regard for guests

Mufti ‘Abdus Sattar saheb writes: Shaykh Binnory (rahimahullah) was very kind to the servants and students. At no time did his high position and status prevent him from giving attention to the lowest servant. Once, before departing for Hajj I visited the…

Protection of the chastity of Women in Islam & the Fatal Harms of Intermingling – Audio

This is a talk on the topic of "the measures in Islam for the protection of the chastity of women." Delivered by my beloved father, Shaykhul Hadith, Moulana Haroon Abasoomar sahib (rahimahullah). Disregard for these Islamic guidelines have lead to fatal…

Rights of women – Audio

Dinul Islam is the perfect religion. A very large part of the rules of Islam relates to the rights of others. This is a lecture on the subject of the rights of women in Islam, delivered by my beloved father, Shaykhul Hadith, Moulana Haroon Abasoomar sahib…

Respect for one’s teachers

Al-Muhaddith Shaykh Muhammad ‘Awwamah’s (hafizahullah) son; Shaykh Muhyuddin writes about his father: "I cannot remember my father ever talking on the phone whilst sitting when he spoke to his teacher; Shaykh ‘Abdul Fattah Abu Ghuddah (rahimahullah). Despite…

Sterling advices of Sayyiduna ‘Umar (radiyallahu ‘anhu) on interaction

In the following report, Sayyiduna 'Umar (radiyallahu'anhu) has offered sterling guidelines on interaction with fellow humans. Lets read them carefully with the intention of implementing. The famous Tabi’iy; Sayyiduna Sa’id ibn Musayyab (rahimahullah) reports…

Become the best in action and deed – Audio

Allah Ta'ala sent every living thing in this world to leave this world. Nothing and nobody came to remain. We are in this transitory abode. This is the system of Allah Ta'ala. Many people spent their time in this world pondering about the purpose of their…

Get the reply and du’as of the Angels

In Islam, we are constantly taught to focus on our duty, irrespective of whether the next party does their part or not. We are answerable for our own deeds, not that of others. Likewise, we are rewarded for doing our duty, even if others fail. In keeping with…

The Virtues of visiting the sick

Every community has people who fall ill. In Islam, we are encouraged to visit such people and not to neglect them. The extent of the importance of this can be gauged from the five authentic Hadiths below: Sayyiduna Abu Hurayrah (radiyallahu 'anhu) reports…

Hadith guidelines on tooth-picking

Islam lays unparalleled emphasis on oral hygiene. In addition to using the miswak at salah times, the miswak is recommended on several other occasions too. See here. The Sunnah of Picking the Teeth Another form of oral hygiene in Islam is the encouragement to…

Putting the elders first

Shaykh Muhammad 'Awwamah (hafizahullah) while explaining the importance of etiquette with seniors, writes: "I was once with my friend at our Madrasah Sha'baniyyah in Aleppo (may Allah Ta'ala alleviate the sufferings of its people soon) when we saw two of our…

Having Adab for Allah and everything connected to Him – Audio

Allah Ta'ala has inspired humans to adopt good qualities. Human beings can progress in the qualities that Allah Ta'ala has instilled in them. Among these qualities is adab; to have respect/manners/etiquettes. This is something of utmost importance although…

Religion is no Joke!

As a rule, in every Muslim’s life, his religion must always be preferred over entertainment. Or else very little of Islam will remain. Adherence and reverence for one’s creed must reign supreme. This is not to say, Islam doesn’t allow recreation, or light…

Five reasons to sleep with wudu

Among the many Sunnats that relate to sleeping, making wudu before going to bed is one that yields much gain. There are many incentives for practicing this sunnah of Rasulullah (sallallahu'alayhi wasallam). Here under are a few of the incentives for one who…

The Charitable Buyer

How often have we purchased items from vendors on the streets and sidewalks?  Some of us who do so, also have the habit of bargaining with these poor vendors. The following Hadith is a source of guidance and inspiration on this topic:

How to cherish your Husband

Islam is a balanced religion and addresses all sectors; the employer as well as the employee, the oppressor as well as the oppressed and so on. My previous article was addressed to the husbands, on how to inculcate the noble character of Rasulullah…

The Best of You…

One of the great expositions of Almighty Allah’s divinity is the creation of the spouse. The system of procreation is in itself unique as well as divine. Mind boggling is the fact that the entire human race has been extracted from a single couple; Nabiy Adam…

We have our own standards of conduct..

My beloved and respected teacher in Madinah Munawwarah, Shaykh Muhammad 'Awwamah (may Allah protect him) once mentioned a story about his senior teacher, Shaykh 'Abdul Fattah Abu Ghuddah (rahimahullah). I wanted to share it for its profound message and…

For the sake of our beloveds…

Sometimes we make certain choices in life based merely on the fact that "if my father/mother/child/wife/beloved was alive, he/she would do the same" or we do it “for old time’s sake.” This stems from the love that we possess for each other. When one loves…

Our duty towards fellow Muslims – Audio

A series of talks by My Beloved Father; Moulana Haroon Abasoomar saheb (rahimahullah) on the of rights of fellow Muslims. How we can safeguard and protect the rights of the next and in doing so break down the artificial barriers (race, colour, nationality,…