An interesting incident on Bukhariy recitals

The following is extracted from a book written by Hazrat Moulana Yusuf Motala saheb (hafizahullah) of UK. entitled: Hazrat Shaykhul Hadith and I, pg. 30. Hazrat Shaykh, [Moulana Muhammad Zakariyya Kandehawiy -rahimahullah-] spent the Ramadan of 1393 A.H.…

The Soldiers of the night

My Honourable Ustad, Al-'Allamatul Muhaddith, Shaykh Muhammad 'Awwamah (hafizahullah) mentioned this incident recently when we were discussing the topic of support for 'ilm, 'Ulama and the knowledge of Din. Shaykh said this is an incident that needs to be…

The Great Virtue for Supporting a Student of Islamic Knowledge

There was a person studying by the Famous, Malikiy Scholar (who was the son of another great Malikiy Scholar); Imam Muhammad ibn Sahnun (rahimahumallah). This student’s father came to the teacher (and what an excellent father he was). He said to the Teacher:…

Changing the route from the ‘Eid Salah

Sayyiduna Jabir (radiyallahu'anhu) reports that when it was the day of 'Eid, Nabiy (sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam) would attend and return from the 'Eid salah using different routes. (Sahih Bukhariy, Hadith: 943) Hafiz Ibn Hajar (rahimahullah) –the famous…

Reciting Hadiths of Sahih Bukhariy to repel calamity

It is a famous statement among the Muhaddithun: "When reciting Hadith, Allah Ta'ala's special mercies descend." (Tadribur Rawi, vol. 4, pg. 540) During times of difficulty, fear and hardship, in addition to Quran recital and other forms of du'a etc, one…

Why is the udhiyah/qurbani of one sheep not sufficient for the obligation of an entire family?

In the recent past, there has been an article circulating electronically which has spread confusion regarding the Hanafiy position on the slaughter of one animal per eligible person during Eidul Adha. This brief article seeks to clarify the matter and to…

Shaykh Binnory (rahimahullah)’s Tahajjud Salah

Dr Habibullah Mukhtar Shahid (rahimahullah) writes: Despite weakness, old age and severe knee pains, (Moulana Yusuf - rahimahullah) would exert himself so much that even the young used to envy him. Be it whilst on journey or at home, during illness or when…

Who should/could attend the Bukhariy graduation gatherings?

It’s a common practice in many parts of the world whereby reliable ‘Ulama that complete their lessons of Sahih Bukhariy invite the public to share in the blessings of the final lesson. Some individuals incorrectly object to this practice. The following is an…

The Power of the Pen

Ever since man existed, so too did his pen exist. With the passage of time, the only thing that changed was the form and mechanism of this pen. The fact that this tool of knowledge has stood the test of time is proof of its power. One should never…

Intricacies in Hadith grading

The purpose of this discussion is to illustrate that the conclusion of a particular Muhaddith is not necessarily final. Neither can it be enforced on others in the event of there being other legitimate opinions on that issue. The system of grading Hadith is…

Do not just believe everything you read!

"Don't believe everything you read" - These were the words of wisdom of the great Shaykh 'Abdullah Sirajuddin (rahimahullah), the senior Teacher of my Honourable Shaykh, Al-Muhaddith Muhammad 'Awwamah (may Allah protect him). He offered this advice to Shaykh…

The recent “Maqra-ah”/Hadith Majlis trend

Attending a few gatherings of completion of Hadith books (like the khatm Bukhariy) for the purpose of barakah etc is applaudable and encouraged. However, the recent trend of arranging public 'maqra-ahs' (also called Hadith Majlis; swift Hadith recitals) of…

The Hadith which promises the reward of 100 Martyrs

The following hadith is commonly quoted when emphasising the importance of the sunnah: “Whoever holds of to my sunnah at the time of corruption of my Ummah, will get the reward of a hundred martyrs”

Imam Ahmad ibn Hambal (rahimahullah)- Imamul Muslimin!

Imam Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Hambal (rahimahullah) was born in the year: 164 A.H., and he passed away in the year: 241 A.H. His Sojourn Imam Ahmad (rahimahullah) began his quest for the knowledge of Hadith at the age of 16. He set out for Kufah in the year 183…

Boost your Memory

The scholars have enlisted many practices for boosting the memory, however most of these practices are based on experience and are not from the Hadith. There is no harm in practicing upon these as long as one is aware of the above. My Honourable teacher,…

33 Reasons to study under a Tutor

Knowledge is attractive and it’s something everybody needs. However, when the correct procedure is not followed, the desired results are lost. The trend of self-study that has become ever so popular in the current times actually contributes to the destruction…

Who Knows Better?

Some contemporaries, who degrade the Fiqh of the four Imams and their followers, actually do so because they view legitimate “difference of opinion” as evil. This is the reason for which they keep harping on the fact that we need to follow the Quran and…

Imam Abu Hatim Raziy (rahimahumallah), One who memorized 300 000 Hadith!

Imam Abu Hatim, Muhammad ibn Idris Ar-Raziy (rahimahumallah) was born in Ray (Tehran –Iran) in the year 195 A.H. and he passed away in the year 277 A.H. Lengthy Sojourn He first set out in search of knowledge at the age of 18. He states in this regard: "The…

Academic Theft!

In the spirit of sharing knowledge, many people at some time or the other end up forwarding an email, re-sharing a post or re-tweeting what they received from others whilst omitting the initial source of that valuable piece of knowledge. This is ethically…

Imam Al-Rawwasiy (rahimahullah); the result of Respect

Imam ‘Umar ibn ‘Abdil Karim Al-Rawwasiy (rahimahullah) was born in the year 428 A.H., in Dihistan and he passed away in 503 A.H. What they said about him Imam Abu Ja’far al-Hamazhaniy (rahimahullah) says: “I never saw in those countries anyone like him,…

Status of the Hadith: “My Companions are like the Stars”

The following Hadith is often quoted when discussing the topic of the rank of the Sahabah (radiyallahu’anhum). أصحابي كالنجوم بأيهم اقتديتم اهتديتم “My Companions are like the stars, whichever of them you follow you will be rightly guided” Although there…